My Tips

My Tips

How can walking benefit you -
By North Balwyn Chiropractic November 27, 2022
Walking is such a great and simple way to boost and maintain your overall health and wellbeing! It’s a super easy way to get some exercise into your daily routine and comes with a range of benefits for both your physical and mental health! Even if you only have 15 minutes to spare in your busy day, every little bit counts! If you are experiencing tinnitus, please call North Balwyn Chiropractic today on 0412 557 177 or email us at You can also visit our website for more information or to book an appointment!
What Is Tech Neck?
By North Balwyn Chiropractic November 13, 2022
Tech neck is an issue where staring at phones, computers or tablets stresses our muscles which results in shoulder and neck pain and stiffness. These are some of the symptoms you may experience if you are suffering from tech neck. Make sure that you get up and move around frequently if you are working at a desk, use a chair with good lumbar support, and do aerobic exercises every day to help prevent tech neck. If you are experiencing tinnitus, please call North Balwyn Chiropractic today on 0412 557 177 or email us at You can also visit our website for more information or to book an appointment!
How Can Chiropractic Care Help You?
By North Balwyn Chiropractic October 30, 2022
Chiropractic care can help in treating a range of issues in the body that can improve the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system which helps to better our overall health and wellbeing! Here are some ways in which chiropractic care may help you! If you are experiencing tinnitus, please call North Balwyn Chiropractic today on 0412 557 177 or email us at You can also visit our website for more information or to book an appointment!
By North Balwyn Chiropractic October 16, 2022
We all know that exercise is so important for our physical health, but it can also provide a range of benefits for our mental health! Our physical and mental health go hand in hand and it’s crucial that we take care of both of them! If you are experiencing tinnitus, please call North Balwyn Chiropractic today on 0412 557 177 or email us at You can also visit our website for more information or to book an appointment!
Foods That Help Reduce Inflammation!
By North Balwyn Chiropractic October 2, 2022
Inflammation is the immune system’s response to an irritant or foreign invader such as bacteria or a virus entering the body. One of the most powerful tools that you can use to combat inflammation is your diet! Including foods such as fatty fish, leafy greens and nuts in your diet can help to fight inflammation and reduce your risk of illness! If you are experiencing tinnitus, please call North Balwyn Chiropractic today on 0412 557 177 or email us at You can also visit our website for more information or to book an appointment!
What Could be Causing Neck and Back Pain?
By North Balwyn Chiropractic September 18, 2022
Many of us experience some form of neck or back pain occasionally and it can be caused by a range of different factors. Pain may be a result of sleeping in an awkward position, overuse, or strains where discomfort may be relieved within a few days. However, if your back or neck pain is more severe it may be indicating a serious injury or muscle tear in which case treatment may be required. If you are experiencing tinnitus, please call North Balwyn Chiropractic today on 0412 557 177 or email us at You can also visit our website for more information or to book an appointment!
Top Tips for Sleeping
By North Balwyn Chiropractic September 4, 2022
Having a good night’s sleep is so important for our physical and mental health, just like getting regular exercise and eating a healthy, balanced diet! If our sleep quality and quantity is not prioritised we can start to experience negative effects such as poor mental health, reduced immune system functioning, and issues with our nervous system. If you are struggling to get a good night’s sleep, try out these tips to help improve your sleep quality and get back on track! If you are experiencing tinnitus, please call North Balwyn Chiropractic today on 0412 557 177 or email us at You can also visit our website for more information or to book an appointment!
By North Balwyn Chiropractic August 21, 2022
Tinnitus is a condition where a person hears a ringing in one or both of their ears, it is not an external sound and usually cannot be heard by others. It is a common condition and can be caused by a range of factors such as age-related hearing loss, ear infection, or head and neck injuries. Tinnitus can arise from underlying trouble with the back or spine and restoring a correct balance between the neck and spine through chiropractic treatment can help to relieve symptoms. If you are experiencing tinnitus, please call North Balwyn Chiropractic today on 0412 557 177 or email us at You can also visit our website for more information or to book an appointment!
Maintaining Your Immune System
By North Balwyn Chiropractic August 8, 2022
Follow our useful tips below to give yourself the best start to the winter season: Get Moving - Doing at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week can help support your immune system to fight off winter bugs. Eat Right - It’s important to keep eating well through the colder months, as it will help support your immune system to stave off infection. Try to minimise the packaged and processed food and make your own sweet treats. That way you know exactly what is in them. Include a range of fruits and vegetables for fibre, vitamins and minerals. Breakfast is a great time to incorporate more veggies into your diet. Starting the day with vegetables means you’re more likely to make smart food choices during the day. Reduce your risk of cold and flu - Colds and flu are caused by viruses that are spread by sneezing, coughing and hand contact. Your chances of catching a cold or the flu increase in winter because people usually stay indoors and are in closer contact with each other. If you have an infection, help prevent its spread to your friends, family and colleagues by maintaining good hygiene, keep extra distance and stay home if you are unwell. Sleep - Sleep is the key to pretty much everything when it comes to your health and wellbeing. It is the time when our body is able to rest, recharge and when our body is able to do its best job at healing injuries and infections. Most adults need between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a night – this varies according to age and individual need.
Importance of Magnesium
By North Balwyn Chiropractic August 11, 2020
Magnesium’s primarily known for its ability to assist with muscle function and to alleviate cramps and muscle tension aches and pains, migraines and to assist in the management of stress. Magnesium is also essential for, healthy heart function, energy production, nervous system health, bone health, blood sugar metabolisation and pre menstrual syndrome (PMS). Food sources of magnesium include - legumes, wholegrains, leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds. Although we can obtain magnesium from our foods, many Australians don't meet the daily recommendations of magnesium and require further supplementation. Talk to one of our practitioners about what we can do to assist your magnesium needs and which form of magnesium is right for you.
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